Thursday, 18 August 2016



The days are long. 
I am now trying to maintain this weight. 
No longer meant to be gaining. 
Instead I must learn 
That this number on the scale...
These jeans that will not fit,
If I dared tried them on,
Is okay. 

It's healthy, 
they say. 
As if the words do anything more
than make me cringe. 
Healthy has never been the goal. 
Whisper thin so that no one 
Could ever say that
I take up too much space. 

The heaviness feels unbearable. 
It truly feels like my heart is sinking 
With the weight of my body. 

Once again,
I find myself wishing,
To see my bones protrude. 
I glamorize the past 
As if I was happy
At that place. 

These days are hard. 
They are long. 
They hurt my heart,
And my soul cries out 
To be heard. 

I need a hug,
A strong embrace. 
A hand held tightly,
In your own. 
Please wrap your arms
Around me
Without boundaries
That must be maintained. 

These sterile white walls,
These fluorescent lights,
The nurses that guard the trays 
Before meals,
They all serve to make me feel alone. 
A patient. 
A number. 
A last name on a chart. 

I've been struggling 
More than I thought I would. 
Being housed in this body 
Still feels so foreign and strange. 

Once again,
I find solace in knowing 
That prayers have been sent up for me,
Prayers to help set me free.
Free of this disease. 

My body is healing,
It is nourished and full.
My mind has yet to catch up,
Please send up more prayers.
This journey is long,
And my heart is aching 
To be healed. 

Sunday, 7 August 2016

The Pretty Ones.


The pretty ones,
With gorgeous souls,
All these girls,
So beautiful. 
Anorexia has a type. 
She haunts the girls
With intelligence,
With compassionate hearts,
And sensitive souls. 

Anorexia lies in wait,
Then slowly she makes herself known.  
She whispers the words
That are poison to their entire being,
So that they feel like empty shells
Walking through life,
Controlled and handcuffed
To this ugly shadow
That follows their every waking moment. 

The pretty ones 
Have pain in their eyes,
If you look too close
You will see deep sadness there.
They carry these chains
Wherever they go,
Slowly they become 
Accustomed to the heaviness,
That follows behind with 
Each step they take.  

The pretty ones,
They are held captive,
Slaves to this disease. 
They believe the lies,
And so it feels natural 
To follow anorexia's commands. 
Peace is impossible. 
For every moment,
Every breath,
Feels like shame. 
Guilt plagues their every move,
They are resigned to their post in life,
Prisoner to a disease 
So few will understand. 

And so the loneliness sets in. 
She hides away,
She ignores the ringing of her phone. 
Chest pounding,
When there is a knock at her door. 
She holds so much shame,
That it feels easier to hide away.  

Somedays she might briefly see 
A pretty girl in the mirror,
But anorexia will not allow 
This moment to last. 
Glimpses of the truth,
Last for but a second,
Until she remembers the chains
Tied to her ankles,
Each step heavy and loud,
Her legs feel like tree stumps,
So much heaviness upon her limbs.

She sees them watching her. 
They must think she is disgusting too. 
Why must they stare,
Do they hear the sounds from 
The bathroom stall?
Do they see her splash her face 
To rid her eyes of the tears that appear
From forcing food up her throat?

If I had one wish,
I would take their pain away. 
I would carry the burden 
Of anorexia for all these girls. 
To set them free,
Would make my suffering 
Feel worthwhile. 
I pray for them to see their beauty,
I long for them to know their worth. 

Dear God,
If I can lighten their burden in any way,
Please show me how. 
My suffering can not be in vain. 
So even while the chains 
Are tied to my own limbs,
I will gladly carry more,
If even one burden
Will leave just one soul. 

The chains feel lighter now. 
I am not the girl I was
Two months ago. 
I feel braver,
More free. 
The chains remain,
But they are lighter somehow. 
Perhaps all my wishes 
On dandelions have been heard. 
Perhaps God is lifting my burden
So that I can someday 
Have the capacity to help
The pretty ones to see
Just how beautiful they are
From my eyes. 

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

For you.

I love you
Yet I unconsciously used you. 
My heart aches with regret. 
Instead of being grateful 
For hours of freedom,
I used the time to be without food. 

Why do we hurt the ones we love the most. 
Why does anorexia seek to destroy me
And my relationships. 
For with anorexia in my soul,
I can not truly love or be loved. 
I become a slave to her
And I hurt you
By hurting myself. 

I finally had freedom
To be with you
Without restrictions
Or nurses watching over. 
I messed up. 
I did not eat. 
I gave in 
To the selfish voice inside my head. 

I can't lose you
As I've lost so much 
Because of her. 
Please forgive my actions
And know that I was operating
Under the control  
Of something that I must defy now. 

You deserve a fully present partner. 
I told you I would get better for you. 
And I failed this weekend. 
My heart aches. 
My spirit cringes. 
Recovery will be the hardest thing I've ever done. 
But losing you would be the hardest thing I ever lost. 

I know what true love means now. 
It's loving me when I am blind 
And can not see what is in front of my face. 
It is trusting in you
When my mind won't stop its chatter. 
True love is letting go
Of what is holding me back
Even when the shackles drag behind 
My feet. 
Someday they will fall off 
But only if I let go
And be strong for you.