Thursday, 14 July 2016

It's not about the ensure.

I'm struggling.  
It literally hurts to eat sometimes. 
Today I sobbed over ensure. 
It's so irrational and I'm aware of this logically,
but anorexia isn't rational. 
She has rules and ideas,
about what is and is not acceptable. 

I went into full meltdown mode. 
I had to retreat to my room after half a bottle,
Wiped the mascara running down my face,
and tried again. 

The tears fell. Again. 
But I finished the damn bottle. 
And then ran back to my room,
letting the tears sink into my pillow. 

I hate crying in the dining room. 
I'm worried that I'll trigger someone. 
And it's embarrassing.
And the more you try to hold it in,
the more the tears flow.

I can still feel the thick liquid,
lingering in my throat. 
Anorexia is hating it. 
I keep seeing the numbers,
on the side of the bottle.
I so desperately want to purge. 
But I won't. 
And I can't. 
I can not allow my disordered thoughts,
to direct my behaviour right now.

It's getting harder with every day
the number goes up on the scale.
I want to flee my body. 
I don't want to do this anymore.
My brain is tired from trying
so so hard...
to hold it together all day. 
But the tears were a welcome release. 
I can only run from my emotions 
For so  long before they overwhelm me. 

This has been an important reminder,
My thought distortions
are still alive and well.
I've been sick too long,
to expect to be over the small things,
after six weeks of treatment.

Last week I overheard a nurse say, 
She was very sick when she came here. 
It felt strange to hear. 
I felt like she was saying, 
"She's fine now. "
I wanted to say,
I'm doing better,
I've gained some weight,
But I'm still sick. 
Still struggling. 

And it's going to have to be okay for now. 
I'm still fighting this disease. 
But I will not give up this time. 
life with anorexia is harder than this,
lonelier than this. 

Recovery hurts like hell,
But I'm around people who get it.
My lovely roommate Emma 
gave me the kindest hug 
and the nicest "I love you". 
It's so nice to have your feelings 
validated sometimes,
Because to someone
without an eating disorder,
Ensure plus would not result in,
full blown meltdown. 

I realize that there are people 
starving in this big world of ours. 
But this does not make the 
pain of anorexia go away. 
It may sound selfish and indulgent,
Please remember,
This isn't really about food.
It's about so much more.

Our eating disorders 
become our safety nets.
And when all our usual comforts...
Our diet pills,
Our calorie calculators,
Our scales,
Our rituals,
when they are all removed,
we feel naked,

I will always be grateful for this place. 
Despite how much I hate the ensure,
seeing the kind eyes of the other girls,
really touched me.
These girls understand that
it's not about the ensure.
They understand the 
deep seated pain in my heart.
We are united in this battle. 


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